Welcome to the Living Word.......
If you buy something new and need it to work, you work it by trial and error - or you read the instructions. You may never have thought about it- but God created us to have free will because He wanted people to love Him freely....But the planned Paradise was messed up by Adam and Eve because they disobeyed God's instructions, and were cast out of Paradise. But Plan B came into being, through the Jews and God's revealing Himself to Moses, to whom He gave the 10 Commandments....These were ways to live that enabled them to love God and love each other in right ways. But they too failed to follow the instructions. Plan C came into being....and God sent His Son Jesus Christ...not simply with a set of rules, but through His total obedience to God in His heart and life, even unto death, He showed us pure love, and revealed the love of God the Father for the world.
But God knew we could not follow 'rules' without Love, and He gave us 'baptism' when initially John the Baptist was sent to lead people to the promised Kingdom through repentance and baptism. When Jesus came to John to be baptised, God the Father sent the Holy Spirit (in the form of a dove) to rest on and in Christ. Thus when we come to baptism in the Name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we too are given the Holy Spirit, which is sealed within us through the anointing with oil. The Holy Spirit is the giver of Life, in Love, coming from God the Father. Thus in Christ we are all children of God.
'In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God.
Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.
In Him was life and that life was the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood nor overcome it.' John 1:1-5
Creativity in Christ is a gift of God - and is a gift of Life and Light. It enables us to understand more fully the love and life of God who is constantly creative with our lives making all things new.
Only God is unchanging in His Nature. When we try to stay as we are, and resist change we lose both life and light in areas of our life. We lose integrity, vision, and a sense of Being and One-ness with God.
Thus Jesus said,'If you lose your life for My sake, you will find it. '
As we surrender to His grace - even in defeat - we find His life.
Jesus heals the broken hearted, gIves sight to the blind, heals the lame: If you are in despair no worldly 'god' is going to help. Believe me I've been there. Are you willing to be healed? To become whole in Christ, and Holy for God? Wow!!
Jesus sets the prisoners free: Are you willing to surrender all your fears, doubts, grumblings, disappointments and excuses? And begin to thank, praise, see and receive the wonder of life and light through Christ? Day by day - that is enough.
Jesus was obedient to the Father. Are you willing to be fully human, in humility, leaning on God the Father, obedient to His promptings by His Spirit?
Jesus came to heal the world and to bring life Are you willing to receive God's love for you and trust Him as Jesus trusted Him, and share in His work? To God alone be all glory for truly He is the source of all goodness, mercy, truth and love.
Jesus said, 'My Peace I give you, not as the world gives' .No worldly 'evidence' can change your heart,( your inner being including your mind) or bring you peace. Only His love, truth and kindness admitted through your willingness to receive and live. Without our continuing will for good/God/ Love, nothing can change. God will not go against our will. Thus the Lord's prayer is key:
Are you willing to commit to prayer all your closely guarded hurts and be changed to a daughter or son of God through Jesus Christ?
Are you willing to Live for Love? And to start blessing your neighbour as yourself; to forgive and bless your enemies; ?
Are you willing to trust that God can bring about reconciliation and heal wounds in you and your family, or take you beyond the confines of your self-confidence or self-condemnation?
Come Lord Jesus, Let Your Light Shine.